What Is a 7 Day Candle?

What Is A 7 Day Candle? A 7 day candle is a candle that is contained within a jar that is intended to be burned over a period of 7 days. The candles come in a variety of colors to be used for specific intentions for such things as love, protection, wealth, health, astral travel, energy release, and more. Oils, Herbs and crystals are often used with them. Some even carve their intention into the candle before burning. Candle Rituals using 7 day candles, are one of the easiest things for beginners to learn. Properly used, burning a 7 day candle...
How To: Smudge

Smudging 101 First, light one end of your smudge, allowing it to catch fire and burn for several seconds. Once the flame extinguishes, gently blow on the lit end to fan the embers; the smudge will begin to glow and smoke. Lay the smudge on a heatproof dish, such as an abalone shell or bowl, to catch the ashes as it burns. Waft the smoke in your space. We should always respect the power of fire when using it in ritual.As the smoke rises into the air, picture your intention, whatever it may be. If you are clearing negative energy,...